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The Crochet Story of Shree’s Crochet

Shrees Crochet

Hello beautiful, we are glad you are here.

My name is Yugantika I am simply a presenter of classic crochet dresses you see on our page and also I am a daughter of a Crochet artist- Laxmi Sharma!

This is our story:

Our crochet story began with childhood memories that bring back the joyful moments of life when our mother or grandmother used to sew for us. Handcrafted jewelry and clothing are what make childhood style so special. We have been blessed to have that in our lives and certainly, most of you might have experienced the same.

Growing up, with standard-sized ad store clothes we don't have that charm anymore. Shree's Crochet is here to change that!

Our comprehension of the apparel market has been widened and we value design more and the work that goes into it, furthermore the acknowledgment of having the option to make garments is tedious and requires acquiring the expertise to do as such. In light of the fact that you're just making what you need there's not a ton of waste contrasted with mass creating something that will be tossed out eventually. We were excited after our first few sales while wearing our crochet sweaters, we were practically at a peak of fulfillment.

To be able to wear what you choose to design/suggest is positively insane! Furthermore, you feel like, “it's mine, my shadings, my size, my fit”.

Eventually, we became accustomed to attaining personalized goods from our mother and grandmother without even realizing it. Our siblings always had our first piece of cloth made by our mother, and it is a fond memory to this day. They made us beautiful clothing and accessories from any fabric they could get their hands on, be it cotton, satin, cashmere, etc. They were into knitting and making home decor items like the tablecloth. Aside from clothes, our lives have been filled with all kinds of crochet from toys to home accessories. This influenced our mom to explore her creativity further. She still has her own collection of what her maternal grandmother made for her.

Over some time, our mother’s hobby turned into passion even though she was influenced by her grandmother she started crocheting in her early thirties. She cherished making crochet bags back in the day to pass time and to master new abilities by being innovative and practicing on old pieces. She always had a naturally given excellent crocheting talent not like she knows now but she knew enough.

Gradually we saw it turning into passion like from one crochet top to a House full of yarn and initially, it became alarming; however, later on, we were mesmerized and we realized this is transforming into something greater and is not, at this point simply a leisure activity. Next thing we know, we are going to places purchasing new sort of yarns, needles, and devices like clockwork, and each time there is something she creates for me and my sister's wardrobe in a way that people gradually started asking us where we acquired them from. As she grew and expanded to a point where the internet instructional tutorials were no longer required.

We decided to go commercial after we began receiving orders on a local market level through friends and acquaintances who were mostly interested in crochet sweaters, pullovers, and winter wear. Shortly afterward, we started receiving positive feedback out of which we explored the potential impact of crochet in the market which eventually lead to the transformation into a brand. That is when we began presenting crochet apparel for fashionistas such as you.

Surprisingly, it was working out well in the public as well as social media. Genuinely positive feedback from strangers made us realize the actual potential of crochet as a personal brand or a fashion brand people used. As many of you presumably recall how your grandma used to sew, knit or crochet for you, it makes our exquisitely customized crochets much more personal.

As more crowd discovered our brand they suggested we make ourselves more digitally visible as they adore handmade clothing that is scarce to acquire in 2021. They also stated that "We love these crochets in our wardrobe, it works well with every outfit and creates different styles”.

Our goal here is to bring out these heart-touching reviews to the general public and create an elegant impact to reach out to those who are searching for personalized and customized fashionably handmade clothing and accessories that reflect self-love.

We are learning new methods and styles on the go, including our recent discovery of yarns that are eco-friendly and can be used to make home decor products. Our top priorities include contributing to society and the environment which is possible through accurate knowledge along with appropriate resources and passion to make a change via sustainable fashion statement.

If you have an idea or a picture in your mind on what exactly is it that you want but can’t make it yourself, you are in the right place as we can turn your ideas into a well-fitting reality. Our journey with you does not end after a single purchase, we would love to share your #crochetstory on our social media and assist you with trending new designs, crochet style planning, outfit coordination ideas, and even discount coupons!

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Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm

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Chawri Bazar, Delhi 110006

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