“When I wear a silk scarf I never feel so definitely like a woman, a beautiful woman.” -Audrey Hepburn
For most women, crocheted handmade scarves are just a part of winter fashion; whereas, most men think of woolen scarves as an absolute fashion statement accessory. However, if one invests in a good quality crochet muffler and also knows how to style it the right way, it can become their absolute favorite.
Talking about woolen scarves, crochet mufflers always stand out to be the hero of those chilly winter days. They are one of the simplest members of the scarf family and are easy to style and carry. Not only this, there are no boundations to the scope of experiments that can be performed with this one classy beast. Handmade Woolen Mufflers can either be worn on formal or informal wear. Along with this, they can also be styled with either a pair of jeans or pants or even boho-printed skirts. These are some of the many reasons why muffler scarves are the ultimate go-to-options by everyone and anyone mesmerized by the fashion world. All one has to do is to invest a little bit of their time to find a vibrant muffler to suit their respective aesthetic.
Moving ahead along with the existing fast-fashion industry, investing into a clothing apparel that is only durable, good-to-go with every outfit but also, always in fashion trends becomes really necessary. This is where handmade, crocheted woolen scarves come to everyone’s rescue. Living in a more liberated and open-minded world, it's safe to say that the fashion industry is no longer biased to a particular gender.
The same applies to the classy style statement accessory that these beautifully and skillfully handmade woolen mufflers are! Crochet mufflers/ crochet scarves do not represent she/her or he/her or they/them but the whole community that is highly influenced and inspired by fast but ethical fashion.
“Ethical fashion is the recognition that there are humans behind the clothes that we wear.”
Clothes aren’t going to change the world. It’s the people who wear them will. We are no longer he, she or they. But instead, we are us. We are the ones who inspire and influence for better change. That being that, we bring you the trendiest styles and ways you can carry your muffler scarves and flaunt the beautifully bold person that you are.
Crochet Muffler Style Tips for He/Him
Keeping in mind the chivalry and masculinity every member of he/him community represents, following are the 3 best ways you can carry and style your handmade woolen muffler.
Drape style:
This is one of the most popular ways to style your muffler scarf. This one particular style not only represents calmness, chivalry but also brings out one's bold and charming personality. However, this style is more formal and inclines towards style over comfort. This style looks best with plain-colored crocheted mufflers or the ones with simple patterns or combinations of very few hues. One only has to drape the muffler round the neck, keeping it equal on both the sides and don’t tie it.
The once round:
As the name itself might suggest, you only need to tie your crocheted woolen muffler once round the neck and not tie a knot. You only need to drape your muffler scarf around the neck and keep one side longer. Then by taking the longer side, bringing it round your neck and adjusting according to your comfort- you are done!
The parisian knot:
This one style is practical, classic and can quickly become your absolute favourite. This knot is easy to make and easy to carry and forms a big, warm knot around the neck which would shield you from every winter chill blown your way. Fold your crochet muffler in 1/2 of widthwise, then fold in 1/2 of once more lengthwise. Drape the muffler scarf over your neck, after which carry the free ends via the hollow shaped through the folded stop to tie the knot. Tighten the muffler round your neck, and you’re good to go.
Crochet Muffler Style Tips for She/Her
No need to say that if she is a girl she has to show elegance and grace accompanied by the bold personality and strong character.
The blanket scarf:
This one draping style is not only warm and comfortable to wear and carry but has also become trendy and one of the most popular styles. The most in-fashion print is of course, plaid. This one style makes it look like you’re wearing a blanket. This is one of the reasons why they are usually preferred in more muted tones to not overwhelm the outfit. All you have to do is to drape your favourite muffler scarf round the neck and manually stretch the muffler scarf material in the front to make it seem like a square.
The long scarf style:
These long/ rectangular muffler scarves are also called Oblong scarves and are probably the most popular scarves styles to carry this season. These scarves come in solids, florals, prints, strips, plaids and much much more. These long handmade crochet muffler scarves can be worn loose, looped or knotted in multiple ways.
The shawl scarf style:
This draping style is quite similar to the blanket scarf but also very different at the same time. This muffler scarf will typically drape over your shoulders, hands and may warp your complete top body.
“Every Hermes Scarf has a tale.”
Crochet Muffler Style Tips for They/Them
Style of unisex is the style for all - That's what we like to believe and apparently you guys can literally carry any style with the maximum ease and comfort.
The front knot:
As the name itself may suggest, this draping style requires you to drape your woolen muffler scarf around your neck to make it look like a big, warm knot in the front.
The reverse drape:
This draping style is more casual and can be worn over any kind of outfit. Be it a casual street look or that one monday morning meeting loo. This style makes sure you make a statement everywhere you go. The style requires one to drape the muffler scarf at the back and not tuck in the ends into the muffler.
The cowl style:
As the name itself makes it obvious, the style asks you to drape your handmade woolen scarf in a way to make it look like hanging around the neck. This one style goes best with more formal and professional looks.
Hope this article helped you find the best muffler draping style to suit your aesthetic. Do let us know about the one style you find the most appealing and attractive to carry in the comment section below!